How many of us are walking in the light of our being or becoming what we intend to be? Well as personal as it seems, the answer that lies beneath your conscious mind has all the answers to your wants, needs, and desires but are you aware of it?
No, you are not and how could you when chances are you are not even thinking for yourself, but going along with what feels good or, instead what is accepted? And have you ever noticed that your days are blurred between peace and chaos, responsibilities and commitments that leave you no time to yourself?
So many questions, but when are you ever going to find the answers?
Well considering you’re a professional at something that comes along with more headaches and chores that are called duties, assignments, or agendas how are you coping with giving more of yourself to only receive your less with no honor, no pay increase, no thanks, no acknowledgement, etc. Perhaps your only consolation for the job you perform is your salary, paid time off, and longer hours with the result being a promotion just to begin the insanity all over again.
Now you must be wondering why you don’t sleep well at night, your health is declining, and or failing in your relationship with others.
Where did it all begin and when will it end or, rather how will it end?
You are presently sitting in the front row to the epic failure or success that is your life, and perhaps you are stuck! You want change, you are looking for an easy out, or simply want a permanent vacation because what appeared to be a promising career with a great salary, and or a top-tier occupation with upward mobility has become a dread, a nightmare, or worse. And you are stuck where you cannot stop moving, nor do you have any idea how to nonchalantly bow out from the craziness that you like many others were sold in college. By now you’ve found out several years later by performing said task, reviewing your choices within said position has made you realize it’s nothing like you thought it would be.
So, what do you do?
The first thing is, you admit you’ve made a mistake somewhere and proceed to evaluate all you know, beginning with yourself by reviewing your own story which is your current life from the present date backwards. And yes, it will take time to correct everything that has erred in your life because of the decisions you’ve made without knowing all the facts.
I challenge you today to be committed to your ‘self-discovery’ and becoming aware of the person you are now and hope to become in the future. So, I encourage you to begin by asking yourself one of the most important questions; “WHO AM I?”
“Walk into the light”
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